Welcome to Wanton Destruction Legion's forum.
Minimum level requirement = 30
When you're accepted to the legion, you start out as a trial. Trial period lasts 3 weeks!
This are the general rules and apply to every member!
Our rules are simple as can be.
When you walk around the world of Atreia we expect you to be dedicated to our cause.
Our goal is endgame and we wont accept any excuse for slacking out of anything we decide to do.
Everyone is allowed to play this game and have fun, no matter his definition of fun.
You are allowed to play characters and alts outside guild.
You are allowed to have fun with anyone you want at any time.
All we want is when guild has plans for something and you are available, to join us!
We dont want 100% attendance to anything (not that it will not be cool to do so) but we sure want your full attention when you decide to log on a character that "belongs" to the Legion.
And by "full attention" we mean be prepared at anytime to be a part of progress. None is excused to come to a raid unprepared!
Unfortunately we have and we will kick you out if you dont show up without notice for too long. Forum is here. Use it to notify us for anything thats keeping you away.
Apart from that, we only want from you the usual "dont be rude", "respect your Legion mates", "if you are troubled with something inside Legion, turn to some of us to find a solution", "pay attention to Legion planned events" and "log on forum regurarly" advices to be taken seriously.
The Wanton Team.