Who are you irl (name, age, location etc): Antonis, 28 years old, Syros Island
Char Name: Tredor
Class: Templar
K-Aion, C-Aion and/or Beta experience you have (until what level and which classes): Open beta, i played a Templar 11lvl
PvE/PvP experience you have (other games aswell): lineage2,wow,warhammer,aoc
What exactly do you expect to find in this game and particularly in our Legion? just for fun
Are you planning to be active upon reaching top level? yes i m going to play end game
Any members that can recommend you: Ravencrow (friend irl)
Have you read the rules, and do you accept them? yes i have read them
We need our members to check up our site daily, will you do this? Yes
You are required to have a working ventrilo, do you have this? Yes i used vt before