I tried to follow this fella into goldshire at place at hogger lived and thought it was him but it was another one and then i later found in barrens area but he saw me and was able to be invisiblity among other trees in lakes but then again i saw him in feralas and now i thought i was very close to him but then again somehow he managed to get away deep down in forrest and later again i thought i had him in eastern plaqueland but i was very unlucky again but im was still tracking him down to zangarmarsh and now this time i thought i had him but no so he managed to escape from my frostnova somehow so later i discovered him in bladge edge area with all hes friends start attacking me so i just had to blink away but some days later i discoverd him in netherstorm but yet again so he saw me using my invisibility mode and he again was able to escape and now im not sure where he exact location is but he is one smart tent this fella so if you able to see him somewhere i would be first one to get him back but not easy to do.